Friday, December 2, 2011

How Do you Separate a Transitional Champion From a Deserving One?

I guess the Big Question here Is What Differentiates a Transitional/paper champion from 1 who deserves it?|||TRANSITIONAL CHAMPION: After a long title reign, the reigning champion may be defeated by a an unclean win and that wrestler will go on to hold the title briefly before passing on to another or the previous champ.

For eg; John Cena held the title from Royal Rumble to One Night Stand where he was defeated by RVD in an unclean win due to Edge. RVD and Edge became transitional champs where it would go from RVD to Edge to only come back to Cena for another long title reign.

DESERVING CHAMPION: This champ comes after a transitional champ. They hold the title for a long period of time where they are seen defeating the monters and legends on the roster. These champs earn the title for their clean wins and popularity status and these wrestlers are loved by the fans.

For eg after RVD and then Edge, the title was finally passed to Cena where he was made to be the fairly derserving champion and after a few title changes that year, it was time to keep the title changes static where Cena would hold it for a long time until it was time for a recycle. During Cena's reign he would defeat monsters and legends to prove he is a deserving champ.

|||How I personally divide it is how they won the championship. If it was a 'fluke' win or not a clean win (Such as Chris Jericho) they are a transitional champion.

If they are a deserving champion it is when they are beating everyone cleanly, and they look as though they are going to keep the championship over an extended period of time (such as John Cena)

However there are exceptions to this rule, such as Randy Orton. He held the championship for a year (or there abouts) and was not winning cleanly. So, this rule isn't entirely clean.

Sometimes though, its just a gut feeling you get, like I knew that CM Punk wouldn't hold the championship for too long. He won it in too lucky circumstances.|||Transitional champions are champions who only have the belt to set up for a more deserving or more recognized deserving champion. Sometimes in sport the actual recognized champion gets hurt or his title get taken from him for some reason and is giving to someone who may have never gotten he belt if he was there. That's a paper champion. Other times no one really stands out as worthy of having the belt so they'll let someone have it who really can't defend it but he'll make you want to see him lose it. Like Santino Mariella. He can't really beat anyone yet he held the belt for quite a while before he lost it to Regal. But Regal only has it because he make for a much better fight against better adversary. Can you really phantom a rivalry with Santino in anyone in wrestling? NO!|||Transitional Champion. Someone that just rised up in the ranks.

Deserving One. Someone that earned there way in the ranks.

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