Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What are the best pokemon to beat the elite four and the champion in Pokemon Diamond?

Can you guys help me by tellling me which are the best pokemon to battle the elite four and the champion and what level they should be at.|||Luxaray rapidash lucario evolved form of of shellos staraptor Dialga All 90s|||blaziken 90s


Magnezone 100




Use legendary from other versions

try getting action replay|||Well, um if u have shapphire, get kyorger. teach him teach him these moves in SHAPHIRE, Make sure u teahch himthese moves Waterfall. icebeam,surf and thunder. MAKE sure u migrate. go to pal park, before u do this. go to migrate form sahpphire chosses kyoreher and otter pokemon. so, catch theses as u fing them. Then u got theme and hAPPY FACING THE ELITE FOUR . Hope that helps :) :D|||bye using the pokemon u train and/or pokemon that r the strongest u have|||legendaries...but have versatile an electric, water, fire, leaf, dark, %26amp; rock...

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