Thursday, November 24, 2011

What does the NFL do with the superbowl champion shirts for the team that doesn't win?

What does NFL do with the Superbowl Champion shirts for the team that doesn't win when the Superbowl is over?|||Sends them to the less fortunate in Africa.|||They give them to charities and they end up on the backs of people in poor, third world countries. I remember watching a show a few years back and they had some footage from one of those hellhole countries and I saw a kid wearing a champion shirt fo the team that didn't win. Can't remember which Super Bowl, maybe the Panthers.|||yep, they donate them to third world countries. It's kind of funny of all those kids running around without a clue as to what the shirt they are wearing really says. Kind of like all the college kids with Japanese tattoos that have no clue as to what it actually says;-).|||Limited production and most are destroyed. But, I did see a CNN photo of a kid in Africa wearing a World Champion Atlanta Falcons t-shirt. Some do escape and wind up donated overseas.|||They used to just burn and destroy them up until I believe 1997. Then they decided that it was just waste of material so they started sending them to places like africa and haiti where the majority is poor.|||African Monkeys use them as food|||Send them to South America as a charity gift. Argentina thinks the Patriots went 19-0.|||look for a lot of homeless people wearing Eagle Green proudly|||They give them to the Lions to make them feel better :)|||They white out the teams name...replace them with the winning one and sell them as bootlegs.|||Sends them off to third world countries that people have never heard of|||They ship them to a country for those that have nothing.......last year Africa go them.

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