Saturday, November 19, 2011

What does It mean when a puppy is a champion line?

I've been wanting a puppy and found a breeder and she said her puppies are champion lines,what does that mean?|||You need to be careful when a breeder tells you their pups are from Champion lines.

BYB will usually tell people that their pups are from Champion lines to sell their pups for more money.

Champion lines only means that either the Dam, Sire or both somewhere back in their pedigree had a Champion.

By no means does it mean that any of the pups are show quality or Champion quality.

It simply only means that they want to sell their pups for more money and are using the pedigree to get it.

Ask them if the Dam or Sire are Champions?

Ask how far back in the pedigree is or was the Champion?

Ask them if they themselves have or do show any of their dogs?

Ask them if they have had all the appropriate testing done on the Dam and Sire that is recommended for the breed?

Ask them for referrences...

Ask if they are a member of purebred dog club, either specialty or all

breed?|||It means there are champions listed somewhere in the dog's pedigree. Champion 'lines' mean NOTHING in terms of the dog's quality. Make sure that the parents of the puppy are both champions in their own right. My Min Pin's parents are champions, as is every dog in the last 3 generations- he is mismarked and oversized and not suitable to be bred and is neutered- had I allowed him to reproduce, his substandard-quality puppies could have been considered to have 'champion lines' regardless of his quality or the quality of the female he was bred to.|||Not much. It means somewhere, back in the pedigree, one of the dog's ancestors was a show dog who won his championship in the AKC.

A dog's great-great-great grandfather could've been a champion, and the owner can advertise it as "champion lines". Or it could've been the grandfather...

If you are looking for a show dog, get one who has champion parents, not just champion lines. Ask the woman to see the pedigree and ask which dog was a champion in the bloodlines.|||Champion lines means that somewhere in the puppies backround, there is at least one Champion. This means that one of the dogs in her backround was shown in some kind of competition and obtained their Championship. This could be 5 generations ago - it doesn't mean anything. What matters is whether or not the parents of the pup are Champions.|||It means that neither of the parents are champions, but somewhere in the pedigree there are champions, whether it be 2 or 10. In all reality, CH lines don't really mean a whole heck of a lot. It has nothing to do with the quality of *that* pup, or anything about the health of that given litter. (A pedigree is nothing more than a family tree)|||It only means that the dog's parents and grandparents weer shown and won. So they physically conform to the breed standard or, if working dogs, have performed well in the tasks that they were bred to do in trials of that work.

It does not tell you anything about health and temperament.

Are you looking at specific breeds? If so, maybe we can help you to tell if it's a good breeder.

.|||One of its relatives was a champion.

So one of the relatives won a dog contest or something.

Not a parent, b/c if a parent won, it would be champion sired.

Personally, I think it is stupid and the dogs are no different if one of their kindred won a contest or not. I'd say, save yourself a few hundreds, and buy a regular dog.|||It means that any dog in her lineage could have been a competitor in dog shows and gotten his/her championship.

Champion lines mean nothing though, unless at least one of the parents (not grandparents or great-great-great grandparents) are champions themselves.|||It means that the puppy's parents were champions in different dog shows.

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