Saturday, November 19, 2011

How did Jesus ever become a champion of capitalism?

This is a guy who once told a wealthy man that as long as he remained wealthy, he could probably forget about spiritual awakening. (Not those exact words).

This is a man who told his followers to carry nothing but the clothes on their backs and a walking stick.

How did this man ever come to champion the free market system?|||When American capitalists invented a Jesus in their own image.

Don't forget the early Christian communities described in Acts, in which no one had private property and holding property back from the group was a major sin. Oh, wait, they probably don't read that part in their churches.|||Good question. The early Christian communities lived like pure socialist, each sharing what they had with others and doing so freely and gladly. Today evil has crept into that system, and the evil of pure capitalism is soften somewhat by compassion, but the fight still goes on between selfish people and those who understand that God wants us all to share.

It does seem to depend on what brand of Christianity people follow. The ones who are Fundamentalist and have a idea of God as condemning and punishing and one should follow or else, are also the ones who say "the poor are not God's people"... I actually heard some damn fool say that once. Then there are other Christians who say that we follow a God of Love and compassion, and that it is our duty to feed the hungry, cloth the naked and help the poor... and change the system so that all may live as God intented them too.|||If anything, Jesus would have been a socialist:

John 3:17 But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him--how can God's love be within him

Prov. 14:31 Anyone who oppresses the poor is insulting God who made them. To help the poor is to honor God.

The connection between Christianity and Capitalism (conservatism) actually wasn't made until the mid-20th century. Republicans failed to draw votes from the poor and middle classes, so the answer was to twist religion to their favor. The main way they have done this is through the support of anti-abortion initiatives. The devout are willing to give up fair wages, civil rights, everything to support their religious views. After all, this short life is just a stepping stone to the everlasting life.|||Jesus s id that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven.There is a difference between what we know as capitalism. Jesus taught that the riches of this world is worthless that true treasure is in heaven.

Consider the account of the first Christian Church in the new testament and you will find the definition of Communism. In the original church each gave according to his ability and everyone received according to his need..|||%26lt;%26lt;How did Jesus ever become a champion of capitalism?%26gt;%26gt;

Jesus is not the "champion of capitalism".

That said, this doesn't mean there won't be people who will try to make it seem that way.

%26lt;%26lt;This is a %26lt;snip%26gt; those exact words).%26gt;%26gt;

Why would this guy say that? Merely possessing wealth isn't a sin. Love of that wealth is what's sinful.

%26lt;%26lt;This is a %26lt;snip%26gt; a walking stick.%26gt;%26gt;

Clearly that's not all you own. . . don't press people into doing things you're not willing to do yourself.

%26lt;%26lt;How did this man ever come to champion the free market system?%26gt;%26gt;

You've said NOTHING that leads me to believe Jesus has become the champion of capitalism.

%26lt;%26lt;"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth".%26gt;%26gt;

Yeah, and?

%26lt;%26lt;A guy who %26lt;snip%26gt; the McCarthy Commission.%26gt;%26gt;

No. The McCarthy Commission were paranoid about Communists, not Christians.|||It's quite obvious.

Mixed economics = socialism = communism = Marxism = Hitler = evil = Satan

Or at least, that seems to be the line of thinking from what I've seen.|||Ironically no where in the bible does it claim jesus was poor in fact it states the opposite.|||The people that championed capitalism were Christian, so Jesus got the title from association.|||It's all because of Paul, not Jesus. Paul wrote things down. Jesus didn't .|||Cause he punched the commies in the face! PEACE!!!|||Only an American would have that slant on this. Are you lost in here?

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